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The impact of Sequestration

clipping service, advocacy programs, public relations, press releases


"Hurricane Season"
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"Back in School"
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"Trip in Fall"
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"Planning on Traveling Overseas?"
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"Aviation and the Economy"
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"The weather is changing"
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"Social Security"
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"The Elections are Over"
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"Honor Our Veterans"
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"Food Safety and Thanksgiving"
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"Public Safety"
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"New Years Resolution"
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"Our Strong Military"
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"Flu season has hit"
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"Planning a Trip to a National Park?"
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"Now the pain begins"
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"And the Pain Continues, part II"
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"And the Pain Continues, part III"
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"And the Pain Continues, part IV"
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"And the Pain Continues, part V"
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As the Washington Representative for former client Federally Employed Women, Janet Kopenhaver produces weekly sequestration scenarios of the critical services that will be denied Americans of all ages nationwide if Congress and the Administration cannot agree on a better solution to 8% across-the-board sequestration cuts. Every week, FEW will release another one page scenario on how nonsensical across-the-board cuts will prove to be disruptive, detrimental and extremely harmful to our children, elderly, travelers, workers and all Americans in all areas of our society. From food safety to healthy children, to research, to safe skies, to our economy as a whole (to name just a few) sequestration cuts will have a devastating impact on our nation. The goal is to urge lawmakers to avoid cutting domestic spending at this time when the need is most prevalent in our country.

These one page scenarios are being sent to media outlets as well as every legislator's office on Capitol Hill. Already Janet has been asked to appear on two radio interviews to discuss her take on the sequestration cuts.